Our living room was in desperate need of renovations. It is 25 ft by 14 ft. I always wanted a formal dining room to have our holiday dinners and family gatherings so we decided to divide the living room to have the two rooms opposed to one all the while keeping it as an open space. Dh thinks that he can start laying the hardwood flooring tomorrow. I wish that I had taken pictures from before actually starting. There was a half wall where the door is which dh took down, stucco walls on the wall where the archways are,old dingey beige shag carpet which was ancient I am sure as well as two layers of wall paper which looked about 30 years old on the end wall where the scone lighting is. There were no lights hanging from the ceiling either. Although dh has never gyprocked and patched before he is a true go getter and jumped right in :).
The chandraliers we found at Home Depot for $59.98 each. The wall scones were $14.88 each. With a can of black spray paint, a bit of white tubing for the candlestick area it was a huge bargain as to find anything close to match our chandraliers the cheapest I could find were $50. each.
The wall colour is called Pasta by Sico paints. We will be putting French Doors in the doorways and tooth molding for the boarders. I want to change the front door as well with all glass to bring in more light for the dining area. Bay window also needs replacing but will have to wait for now as we are paying cash as we go. I am leaning towards a French European Look :).
Below is one of the wall scones, before and then after it was spray painted and the white tubing added to the candle stick part.